Why Summer is the Best Time for Carpet Cleaning Bar None

carpet cleaning stevenson ranch

Have you been debating whether or not to have your carpets cleaned? Do you find yourself putting off having the pros clean your carpets? If so, that’s totally understandable. We get it. That said, there is a lengthy list of reasons that summer is the right time for expert carpet cleaning in Stevenson Ranch and the nearby environs. 

Our pros have helped plenty of folks just like you to make their carpets exactly what they want them to be. 

More Foot Traffic, More Stains

Summer means kids playing outside, adults going to and from the beach, and plenty of wonderful, lazy days. It also means increased foot traffic in your home. Children, pets, guests, and others inadvertently introduce dirt and grime from outdoors smack-dab into your rugs.

A beach trip might seem unrelated to your carpets, but think again – sand. Sand sticks to everything, refusing to be completely shaken off. It’s like glitter; once you’ve got it, it takes ages to get rid of. Imagine then, the amount of sand nestled in your carpet after even a short break. Worse, abrasive sand grinds at and wears down your carpet fibers the longer it stays.

The increase in activity during summer isn’t exclusive to children. It’s perhaps the most popular social season even in SoCal, from barbecues to parties, meaning more people tramping dirt into your house. Even pets ramp up their activity, adding to the toll on your floors. Amidst all the hustle and bustle, your carpets endure plenty of wear while also hosting a myriad of undesirable dirt particles that can damage your air quality. Booking a professional carpet cleaning service helps manage the chaos, and importantly, reduces potential damage to your carpets.

Here at CBC Cleaning and Construction, we offer professional and high-quality services to ensure your carpets can withstand the joys of summer, while keeping your indoor environment clean and healthy.

Before You Take Off for Vacation, Take the Stains Off Your Carpet 

Opting for a pre-vacation carpet cleaning service can make your return home that much more welcome. When you return, you can take a moment to truly appreciate your clean carpet.

The opposite holds true, too. The radiant, immaculate appearance of a freshly cleaned carpet is a pleasure to behold. However, if regular household activities resume too quickly, your pristine flooring can quickly become lackluster and grimy. Returning home to stained floors can disrupt the peace brought on by a vacation or weekend break.

You’re Showing Your Home for Sale 

Summer is, for many, the peak season for selling their home.  Hence, if you’re listing your home, regular carpet cleaning during this season can significantly aid in the selling process. Clean carpets truly can boost the value of your home.

What You Can Do to Help Your Carpets During Summer 

The truth is that so many of the stains and worse your carpets may be hit with in the summer can only be truly handled by the professionals. That said, we’re often asked by our clients some version of “is there anything I can do?” 

We at CBC Cleaning and Construction recommend vacuuming at least once or twice weekly during these months. Vacuuming isn’t enough in and of itself, but it is akin to wiping up a spill with a towel. 

Speaking of spills and stains, address these occurrences straight away to avoid them seeping in and becoming tougher to eliminate. Dab the spills immediately using a clean cloth or paper towel, from the outer edge towards the center to prevent the stain from spreading.

Many folks do this anyway, but, during this time of year, consider being a bit more forceful about requesting visitors, family, and anyone else to wipe their feet thoroughly before entering the premises, particularly if your carpets are light-colored. If you have doormats, consider cleaning them every day.

If there are sections of your property with carpets that bear the brunt of heavy foot traffic, such as corridors or entrances, consider deploying runners or area rugs to safeguard the underlying carpet. This can prevent excessive damage and simplify the cleaning process in these regions.

Nothing mentioned in this section is an alternative to having the professionals clean your carpets. These are “stop gap” actions at best, akin to triage for your carpeting. For a better, deeper clean, reach out. 

Carpet Cleaning in Stevenson Ranch Year Round 

The bottom line is, your carpets endure summer. To ensure they remain in good health and appearance, we’re here to help. If your schedule is crowded with child care or travel preparations, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for carpet cleaning in Stevenson Ranch. You can get a free quote through our site or by giving us a call.

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