Common Causes of Water Damage

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Water Damage
Water damage has a way of sneaking up on you quickly. As leaks and other water issues often occur behind walls and flooring, you might not actually know anything is wrong until the ceiling shows water spots and sags, or a wall is soft to the touch. These problems can eventually cost you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in necessary repairs, which is why it is so important to not only bring in the professionals from CBC Cleaning & Restoration at the first sign of water damage, but also just for general inspections, to make sure your house is safe and sound from water damage. With so many different problems causing the water damage, the following are the most common:

Flash Flooding
Alright, so there really isn’t much you can do about this. If there is a flash flood in your neighborhood you probably are not going to be able to stop it. While boarding up windows and performing other general external maintenance can help, you probably are still going to have flooding inside the home. Regardless of the severity of the flash flooding, it is vital for you to bring in CBC Cleaning & Restoration and have them inspect the situation, begin the drying process and secure your property from further damage.

Broke Pipes
Water pipes run throughout your entire home, yet a burst water main, aging pipes or even a washing machine hose can succumb to damages. Water damage can happen just about anywhere in your home. While it is possible to replace some of these issues yourself, such as a damaged washing machine hose or even possibly a pipe under the sink, more often than not the broken mains and water pipes occur behind walls and under flooring. When you do notice water damage, it is always a good idea to shut off the water and then contact a professional. Proactive measures will allow you to stop the damage from spreading.

Nowadays homes are designed with air-tight windows and doors and so humidity within the home can become quite high if there isn’t a way for it to dissipate and leave the interior space. High humidity can cause the development of mildew and mold, and eventually cause secondary damage. Water damage from humidity doesn’t happen overnight. It is a long, drawn out process and is why you should always be looking for signs of possible water intrusion and destruction within your home.

Outside watering can cause serious problems to a structure if drainage is not performing properly. Sprinklers that are spraying against exterior stucco, planters up against homes that do not have drainage, and landscaping that is higher than the level of the house or angled toward exterior walls can all cause serious water leak issues within the house. Always check walls and baseboards that show evidence of watermarks, lifting, blistering, or peeling.

Do not take chances when it comes to identifying, remedying, and recovering from a water damage. When water damage occurs, your first call should be to the specialists at CBC Cleaning & Restoration. Call 661-294-2221 or visit our website at!

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