Water damage weekend nightmare!

kitchen befores

We didn’t know the pipe under our bathroom sink was leaking when we went to visit my sister in Ventura, for the weekend. When we got back to Valencia, our entire bathroom and family room were soaked.

My husband immediately turned off the water supply and I called CBC Cleaning and Restoration. They helped me find a plumber I could trust to fix the pipe. They explained that, because we were gone only a couple days, costly repairs would probably be avoided and restoration minimal if we begin drying out the carpet immediately. They cautioned us to unplug electrical equipment, computers and TVs first.

When CBC got to our home, within 2 hours, they determined the extent of damage. They explained to us that water destruction takes only 48 hours to accumulate the toughest likely scenario (we were glad we weren’t gone longer). And, the faster the structure dries, the less damage it will create.

Here’s what our CBC technician said: When you inspect your home for potential water disasters, you should be looking your pipes in bathrooms, laundry room and kitchen. On the exterior, specifically inspect the gutters. They are designed to move water away from your home during rain storms and other damp weather. If there is dripping from the gutters or even overflow, there’s probably a back-up or clogging of the channel. It is imperative that the water run freely away from your structure.

Downspouts should always extend a few feet out from your home so they deter water from moving under the foundation. A certain sign of a water problem is stationary water or accumulation around the perimeter of your property. If water is damming against the outside walls then re-grading may be required to change the slope and fix the problem.

Reading your water meter is a good way to detect a water issue. If you have a base reading you will notice when any changes or increases occur that cannot be explained and might be due to leaks. This procedure could save you a high water bill. If a leak is suspected it is best to bring in a water leak detection specialist. Finding the leak before you find the symptoms will avoid disasters and save money.

These are just a few ways to stay ahead of a homeowner’s potential water problems. By inspecting your home continuously, especially water areas, and detecting any problems early-on, you can avoid potential damage and costly clean-up and repairs.

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